Lesson Plan
Teacher NAME: Jacqueline Gutierrez
Type of Lesson: WebQuest
Lesson Plan Title – WebQuest: How Can We Become Less Dependent on Non-Renewable Energy Sources?
Discipline and Topic – Science - Physics - Energy
Target Population – Grade Level: 7th Grade students
Population Characteristics: The students are enrolled in a seventh grade general science class that is working on a unit that introduces students to genetics. This lesson will be done with classes of regular students and of Honors students.
Lesson Groupings: Students work in pairs of two students per computer.
Curriculum Links –Intermediate Level Science, Core Curriculum, Grades 5-8, THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, http://www.nysed.gov, Key Idea 4:
Energy exists in many forms, and when these forms change energy is conserved., 4.1b Fossil fuels contain stored solar energy and are considered nonrenewable resources.
They are a major source of energy in the United States. Solar energy, wind, moving water,
and biomass are some examples of renewable energy resources.
Objectives – Media Literacy Objectives –
• Use computers to search the Internet
• Use communications & computing technologies to locate information efficiently
• Brainstorm a range of information sources to meet a specific information need
• Use online information resources for research
• Synthesize information from nonprint media
• Demonstrate an understanding of the effects technological changes have on society & the workplace
• Use nonprint media to communicate
Materials and Timing –
Materials: computers with internet connections, PowerPoint, MS Word, handout/instruction sheet
Timing: Ideally, students will be given three 45-minute periods in the computer lab to complete this lesson. Otherwise, the WebQuest will need to completed using computers in the library or at home.
Scope and Sequence –
1) The class would meet at the computer lab for three days for this activity. The lesson will be conducted during three 45-minute periods spread over two weeks.
2) Students will work in groups of two. They will log into their computer terminals and go to the website: https://jsgutierrezny.tripod.com/webquest.htm.
3) Each student will follow the instructions given online.
4) Each Student will be given a blank worksheet containing an Alternative Energy Summary Table and the question "What are the environmental reasons for choosing alternative energy over fossil fuels?"
be given a worksheet that contains instructions.
5) Students will work in the same groups of two to prepare 10-minute PowerPoint presentations.
6) Wrap-up and class presentations.
Students are also being graded on how well they work through the activity with their partners as well as the contents of their presentations.
Supplemental Materials –
Credits, References, & Websites:
Energy Action - EA Stats, Fuel Consumption Stats, http://www.nef1.org/ea/eastats.html
U.S. Department of Energy-Wind and Hydropower Technologies Program Home Page
Sustainable Mobility Learning Lab
Global Warming Greenhouse Effect
NFCRC: Fuel Cells Explained: Challenges
Cost Digest, Product 3, Fuel Cells
The True Cost of Electricity from Wind Power
Evaluation of Students –
Student performance will be evaluated based on the two rubrics below. Both grades will be averaged together. Each team member will receive his or own grade, based on group work, ideas, the presentation, and effort.
To evaluate the lesson, I would walk around the computer lab to see how students are progressing and ask them questions about the activity. I would try to pace the students so the activity could be finished within three 45-minute periods, as computer lab time is precious. I would let students know that they should be working on the PowerPoint presentations during our third computer lab. The completed worksheets will be collected and PowerPoint presentations presented to the class. I would also take into account the understanding showed during the wrap-up.
Students will receive between 1-4 points for each objective achieved based on the rubrics below.
PowerPoint Rubric:
14-16 Points = Excellent; 11-14 = Good; 5-11 = Needs Improvement
Information Gathering and Technology Use Rubric:
14-16 Points = Excellent; 11-14 = Good; 5-11 = Needs Improvement
Rubric for PowerPoint Presentation
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | Score | |
Participation | No one took responsibility for the presentation. | One member of the group lead the entire presentation. | Both members of the group presented only part of the material. | All students participated equally in the presentation and presented all the material. | |
Presentation clarity | No organization, clarity, or opinions. | Presentation was not well organized - thoughts and opinions are unclear. | Presentations was somewhat clear. Some ideas and opinions need to be refined. | Presentation was clear and to the point. Ideas and opinions are well prepared. | |
Time length of presentation | Between 0 and 4 minutes or more than 20 minutes. | Between 3 and 6 minutes or 13 and 17 minutes | Between 6 and 9 minutes or 11 and 13 minutes | Between 9 and 11 minutes | |
Students will be able to use PowerPoint to illustrate why a certain type or types of alternative energy could benefit the school using examples and visual aids. | No visual aides such as photographs and/or animations were used in the presentation. The presentation did not encourage alternative energy use. |
The visual aids such as photographs and/or animations were briefly referred to in the presentation and needed more work. The presentation slightly encouraged alternative energy use. |
Appropriate visual aides such as photographs and/or animations were used in the presentation. The presentation somewhat encouraged alternative energy use. |
Organized and appropriate visual aides such as photographs and/or animations incorporated into the presentation. The presentation strongly encouraged alternative energy use. |
Rubric for Information Gathering and Technology Use
Beginning 1 Developing 2 Accomplished 3 Exemplary 4 Score
Last updated on April 29, 2007 .