Student Page for Using Inspiration to Organize Your Density Narrative Procedure
Lesson Plan
Your Name: Jacqueline Gutierrez
Type of Lesson: Tool
Discipline and Topic –Science
Grade Level: Middle School, Grade 7
Population Characteristics: 50% male, 50% female. The average reading level of the students in this class is approximately one year below grade level.
Lesson Groupings: Pairs of two students
Curriculum Links –
THE STATE THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK,, Core Curriculum, Grades 5-8, Intermediate Level Science PERFORMANCE INDICATOR 3.1, Observe and describe properties of materials, such as density, conductivity, and solubility., 3.1a Substances have characteristic properties. Some of these properties include color, odor, phase at room temperature, density, solubility, heat and electrical conductivity, hardness, and boiling and freezing points.
3.1h Density can be described as the amount of matter that is in a given amount of
space. If two objects have equal volume, but one has more mass, the one with more
mass is denser., STANDARD 1: Analysis, Inquiry, and Design, Key Idea 3: The observations made while testing proposed explanations, when analyzed using conventional and invented methods, provide new insights into phenomena, S3.2a accurately describe the procedures used and the data gathered
• Brainstorm a range of information sources to meet a specific information need
• Demonstrate knowledge of current information technologies
• Synthesize information from nonprint media
• Use nonprint media to create knowledge
• Use nonprint media to communicate
• Differentially organize electronic and/or graphical information according to differing problems
• Select & apply appropriate strategies for revising, improving & updating work
Students will be able to….
* use the Inspiration Software to create linked boxes containing text headings.
* outline their ideas on paper prior to entering them into the software
* relay the steps of their narrative procedure in graphic organizer format using Inspiration
* format the page properly with the title on top of the page and arrows pointed in the proper direction.
* add notes to some of the headings
Media Literacy Objectives –
Materials and Timing – Using Inspiration to brainstorm ideas for writing the narrative procedure about density of an unknown metal
• Day one: Students are given four samples of unknown metal, a table with the densities of known metals, a graduated cylinder, beaker of water, and a triple beam balance. Working in groups of four to five, they have to weigh the samples on the triple beam balance, find their volumes using the graduated cylinders and water, calculate the densities, and determine which metals they have. The calculations must be completed for homework.
• Day two: Students outline their narrative procedure on paper and enter the headings into Inspiration, in the form of linked graphic organizer boxes.
• Day three: Students write the narrative procedure in essay format.
Triple beam balance
Graduated cylinders
Computer Lab
Inspiration software
Objectives |
1 = 4- - |
2 = 4- |
3 = 4 |
4 = 4+ |
Students will use the Inspiration Software to create linked boxes containing text headings. |
Students will use the Inspiration Software to create linked boxes containing text headings. Boxes are not properly linked. |
Students will use the Inspiration Software to create linked boxes containing text headings. Some boxes are linked. |
Students will use the Inspiration Software to create linked boxes containing text headings. Most boxes are linked. |
Students will use the Inspiration Software to create linked boxes containing text headings. |
Students will outline their ideas on paper prior to entering them into the software. |
Students do not outline their ideas on paper prior to entering them into the software. |
Students will list some ideas, but not outline their ideas on paper prior to entering them into the software. |
Students will vaguely outline their ideas on paper prior to entering them into the software. |
Students will outline their ideas on paper prior to entering them into the software. |
Students will be able to relay the steps of their narrative procedure in graphic organizer format using Inspiration. |
Students will be able to relay few of the steps of their narrative procedure in graphic organizer format using Inspiration. |
Students will be able to relay some of the steps of their narrative procedure in graphic organizer format using Inspiration. |
Students will be able to relay most of the steps of their narrative procedure in graphic organizer format using Inspiration. |
Students will be able to relay the steps of their narrative procedure in graphic organizer format using Inspiration. |
Students will place the title on top of the page and have arrows pointed in the proper direction. They will add notes to some of the headings. |
Students will have no title and have arrows pointed in the wrong directions. They did not add notes to any of the headings. |
Students will not place the title on top of the page and have some arrows pointed in the proper direction. They will add notes to one of the headings. |
Students will place the title somewhere on the page and have most arrows pointed in the proper directions. They will add notes to some of the headings. |
Students will place the title on top of the page and have arrows pointed in the proper direction. They will add notes to some of the headings. |
The teacher will walk around the room to see if any students need help with the procedure the first day or with the Inspiration software the second day. Both of the students in the pair should be doing part of the work, and they should be working as a team. The teachers will assess if the students were able to translate the narrative procedure into graphic organizer format by viewing the progress during class as well as the printed graphic organizers.
Student Page for Using Inspiration to Organize Your Density Narrative Procedure